【Youtube紹介】Another Bubble Before Real Bear? How Many People Support Value of IOTA & NEM vs ETH?



I fear we may have another 10x bubble before a real bear market of many months and total of 90% correction starts. Check out this indicator comparing Bitcoin value to it’s transaction value (MTV Ratio): https://twitter.com/woonomic/status/910209779926163456

As well as some other indicators from google trends showing cryptocurrency search term already 10 times higher than last bubble so might have peaked but not so for Bitcoin: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=bitcoin

Also this older video of mine comparing Bitcoin value today to it’s average price growth rate showing now about 120% overvaluation but it can go to 700%: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaICCZVkIJk

On another note, market caps are a fair representation of how high – on average – a project is valued by all participants in the market. However it does not show how many people are deciding it’s value. All too often this is very few people and if they change their mind, so will the value of the project.

Projects that had small ICO’s but went up a lot in value in 1 straight line often still have very few people holding most of the coins in their position as they had little reason to sell a lot of their stake on the way up. Just selling a little already secured lots of profits and later on caused a lot of opportunity loss, so less and less is being sold causing lower and lower sell pressure. Fast rising prices also trigger FOMO and attract many unexperienced investors who don’t mind investing in unknown projects that already went up a lot, causing high buy pressure. This explains how a project can be valued in the billions while it is relatively unknown. This is a high risk situation as only a few early investors starting to finally sell can turn the tables real quick.

Check out the great critical review of Iota, especially if you are invested in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr60TTrkIGU

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