【Youtube紹介】Follow Your Head, Heart or Gut? – BCH vs BTC, Dash & ZEC



Doing final comparison on transaction numbers and have to admit BTC and Dash are doing much better than BCH. But BCH doing not exceptionally bad, ZEC for example saw similar collapse in amount of transactions. Comparing USD Sent, BCH does the best but like amount of transactions, too easily manipulated. Comparing Median Transaction Value BCH performs average, not as bad as BTC but not as good as ZEC.

Overall statistics on BCH are not exceptionally bad but still average so the question to invest becomes whether to follow your head, heart or gut? I think your gut is in the end the most important as it takes into account the unconscious stuff you can’t articulate. Looking back on important decisions made in past, when gut is ignored usually very costly …

My gut says BCH will become big success and during this bear is rare second chance to get into bitcoin while it is again very controversial, many enemies and nay sayers, therefore very cheap prices, and will indeed conquer the world, although it will take again many years. If we see another steep drop to hopefully the bottom of this bear, plan to invest my last fiat into BCH as well.

“Why Hitler Lost the War: German Strategic Mistakes in WWII” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5agLW7fTzBc
Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSL6nK3t1QYmF2wFN19pCn2jxVfug7FNdIoPPzqT1rF6_A2Ok5amXGoS7djm65To1nTVFCRrG2K3JyQ/pubhtml
Data source: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/marketcap-mediantransactionvalue-btc.html#log

